Privacy Policy

Bodegas Bentomiz Data Protection Declaration: Your Right to Privacy

We take the protection of the personal data of clients, customers and friends of Bodegas Bentomiz seriously. Your data is protected by us in accordance with the European Data Protection laws. This statement gives details about what information we collect, how we keep and use it, and your rights in relation to correction or deletion of your data from our records.

What data do we record?

When potential clients make a booking through our website we collect contact data: the contact’s name, email, a phone number and the contact’s nationality or language preference.

For financial transactions we are required to ask for a billing address. However, we do not record and keep this information following completion of the payment.

How do we use the data?

Our clients’ contact data is stored for three purposes:

  1. To communicate with the contact in relation to the booking they have made and/or the service provided.
    2. To send the person information news of events and activities, and other items, by email.
    3. To understand who our customers are so that we can improve our products and services.

How to check or change our records of your data

Anyone who wishes to may, at any time, ask what information we hold in relation to them, amend it, or ask for its deletion from our records. To do so please send an email to stating that you wish to see our data records in relation to your name or a specific email.

Equally, anyone wishing to obtain information about our events or news about our wines may request that their email address is added to our mailing list. To do so please send an email to stating that you wish to join our emailing list. We reserve the right to exclude some persons from email updates,
where we see fit.


We do not share our clients’ contact details with other companies, with the exception of systems management or data specialists with the purpose of protecting and managing the data effectively. The data remains entirely confidential.


We work with Stripe as a third-party service for payment processing.
We will not store or collect your payment card details. That information is provided directly to our third-party payment processors whose use of your personal information is governed by their Privacy Policy. The privacy policy for Stripe is located at

Business Contacts

When we correspond with business contacts, in relation to provision or receipt of goods and services or correspondence at promotional events, we record contact details provided by business card, in emails or in other correspondence. The data includes the company’s name, names of the individual contacts, their job title and their mobile phones if used for business, email addresses, company address, telephone number and tax number, and all information regarding mutual business activities (e.g. goods orders). This data is stored for the fulfilment of business activities:

  1. Offering or requesting provision of goods and services
    2. Providing updated information regarding our goods, services and prices
    3. Analysing preferred goods and services to improve our goods, services and the marketing of them.

Confirmation of what information is held and the opportunity to correct, update or delete contact details may be actioned at any time by emailing However information regarding mutual activities
(order history and correspondence) is considered to be privileged information owned by Bodegas Bentomiz S.L.